Mandorlino (Sicilian Green Almond Liqueur)

Adapted from a recipe in Coming Home to Sicily by Fabrizia Lanza

Makes 128 ounces of liqueur

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 6 weeks


2 x 750ml bottles of high-proof vodka or rum (at least 95 proof - this is critical! Using a lower-potency alcohol may allow bacteria to develop as it sits. You MUST use at least 95 proof.)

6 cups water

3.5 cups sugar

1 lb. green almonds (approximately 50-60 almonds), rinsed but skins left on, and cut in half

2 lemons, quartered

1 cinnamon stick

1 tbsp. whole cloves


1. Mix the vodka, sugar, and water together in a large container with an air-tight lid. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.

2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir thoroughly until fully incorporated.

3. Put the lid on tightly, and place the container in a sunny spot outside.

4. Age it for 45-60 days, occasionally stirring the mixture every few days.

Adam Centamore